What Is ROCK On Veterans?

ROCK, Ride On Center for Kids offers ROCK On Veterans, a program for active-duty service members and veterans partnering with horses and veteran volunteers. The goal of this program is to improve the lives of servicemen and women who have suffered injury in the line of duty, helping them adjust physically and emotionally to their post-war lives. The cost for veterans and service members to participate in three 8-week sessions is 100% covered through fundraising efforts and grants.
Click here to download a PDF of the ROV brochure.
Active-duty service members and veterans can be referred to ROCK by a physician, fellow veteran, or family member and are screened by one of ROCK’s therapists and therapeutic riding instructors to determine the suitability of this treatment. Active-duty service members and veterans with a diagnosis of PTSD, TBI, amputations, burns, and neurological impairment may benefit from this service.
Benefits Seen

The dynamic movement of the horse simulates normal human walking. This works as a biofeedback mechanism retraining the motor and cognitive systems for improved function. Results may include…
- Improved balance
- Improved motor skills
- Improved speech
- Improved morale and well being
How to Get Involved
Active-Duty Service Members and Veterans
If you have sustained an injury in military service and believe you would benefit from this service, you may complete the Client/Participant Application along with a medical that has been signed by a physician. You will complete a screening to determine if you can benefit from the program.
Requirements for active-duty service members and veterans receiving services:
- DD214, military ID or Driver’s license with Veteran status imprinted
- Evaluation by ROCK staff
- Physician release
Women Only Veterans Program
In addition to our co-ed programs, ROCK also offers a special, women-only, 8 Week Horsemanship Class with ROCK’s equine partners. This class is designed to reach out to female veterans that have experienced trauma while serving our country. The program is free for female veterans and service members. Program includes a light dinner.
Psychoeducational Group Classes
ROCK is pleased to offer 2nd Tuesday Psychoeducational group classes that are open to our veterans, active-duty military, their families and to the public! Each class offers a different topic, and a meal is provided.
Click here to see the Psychoeducational Group Class Flyer
Heart of Service Couples Retreat
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Free couples only retreat open to any veteran, active duty service member, and their spouse/partner held in conjunction with the Samaritan Center.
Camp Courage
Camp Courage is a horsemanship camp specifically designed for the children of all Military Branches of Active-Duty Service Members and Veterans. Click here to view the Camp Courage brochure/registration form.
If you are an active-duty service member or veteran who has been injured in the line of duty, or if you are a physician, therapist, or medical professional who would like more information about our program, please contact us.
ROCK On Veterans is built on the foundation of “soldiers helping soldiers” and utilizes the camaraderie between servicemen and women to provide a healing environment, and pairs veterans with veteran volunteers whenever possible.
Veteran volunteers serve as sidewalkers and horse handlers and provide moral support to the participants.
For more information about volunteering, please visit our Volunteers page.
For any ROV questions, you can contact Heidi Derning – Heidi@rockride.org
The process for registering for ROCK On Veterans Therapeutic Horsemanship Classes:
1. All participants must register each year for classes. When you contact Heidi she can let you know if you need to re-register online at this time. If you are new to the program you will need to register here (https://www.tfaforms.com/4751650) on the ROCK website. Contact Heidi after you have registered or if you need help.
2. Physician’s Statement: We will also check to make sure your physician’s statement has not expired. We need this filled out once a year by your physician. If it has expired you’ll need to get another form signed. All new participants will need to get this form signed by your physician at least a week prior to classes. Please download and complete the Medical History & Physician’s Statement Form (https://rockride.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/H-P-doctor-form.pdf).
Descriptions of Classes:
Intro to Horsemanship Class:
(All new veteran participants are required to begin with this class) The intro to horsemanship class will consist of 8 weekly 90 minute lessons. This class is specifically designed to introduce riders to ROCK’s horses, safety procedures, grooming, tacking/saddling, leading, groundwork exercises and basic riding skills.
Continuing Horsemanship 1:
Continuing Horsemanship 1 will consist of 8 weekly 90 minutes lessons. This class will incorporate all the Intro Class skills and in addition, participants will learn how to demonstrate a balanced position at the trot. Riders will also be able to demonstrate how to saddle and bridle their horse with limited assistance and will mount independently or with limited modifications as needed.
Continuing Horsemanship 2:
Continuing Horsemanship 2 will consist of 8 weekly 90 minute lessons. This class will incorporate the skills learned in the Intro and CH 1 Classes. In addition, each participant will work on basic skills needed to ride outside the arena in groups as well as skills needed when participating in an independent trail ride.
Unmounted Horsemanship Class:
During this class participants will strengthen their skills in grooming, ground warm-ups and leading through challenging obstacles.
Men’s Therapeutic Riding Class:
This class will be a custom designed therapeutic riding class for male riders who have completed a minimum of the Intro to Horsemanship Class and preferably the CH1 & CH2 classes.
Women’s Therapeutic Riding Class:
This class will be a custom designed therapeutic riding class for female riders who have completed a minimum of the Intro to Horsemanship Class. This is the class that many of the Women Only Intro Class Participants join after they complete their class.
For more information, contact 512-930-7625.