“I don’t really know how to say it, but this is his place.” Teddy Kim, Joshua’s father
(In reference to ROCK)
Joshua is a high school senior that will be graduating in 2025. He is a brilliant young man, with a grade point average of 3.7!
He was born premature at less than one pound, and the doctors said that he would never live past two years old. They were also told that he would never speak, so the Kim family learned American Sign Language… which they ended up not needing when Josh began to speak.
As always, Joshua’s strength and resilience proved the doctors wrong. He has broken through every barrier that the doctors have ever given him.
After high school, Joshua plans to attend ACC before transferring to UT Austin to pursue an aerospace engineering degree. He wants to attend UT, like the rest of his siblings and his parents.
“You may have a limit to the ground, but there’s no limit to the sky. You can do anything.”
Joshua has been a participant of ROCK for about 13 years, and he, and his nurse John, attend ROCK every week to this day.
Joshua’s father Teddy, said, “It doesn’t matter what is going on, or if Joshua is sick, he always lights up when I ask him if he wants to go to ROCK. He always says yes, no matter how he feels. This is his place. I don’t really know how to say it, but this is his place. Nancy (Krenek) is Josh’s superhero, but she is also a superhero to our family.”
In 2015, Nancy accompanied the Kim family to Ohio for Joshua to receive his award as the 2015 Path International Child Equestrian of the Year. It was a trip that made a huge impact on Josh & his family, and ROCK was there every step of the journey.
Joshua began to learn how to fly drones after a nurse gave him one as a present, and he discovered that he was really good at it. Joshua continued his practice and skills with his drone and recently passed his Remote Pilot license test through the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), with hopes to use his drone to video ROCK events in the future.
Joshua is soft spoken, but don’t let that fool you! He knows exactly what he wants and how to work towards it.
Joshua is just beginning his work with Eyegaze, an eye operated system to control his computer and communication application. While this is hard work, Joshua is excelling already and is excited for another way to reach his goals, and to see how far it can take him.
ROCK helps improve my health, strength and balance.” – Joshua Kim, in his video submitted to PATH Intl in 2015
Joshua, you ROCK and we are so proud of you chasing your dreams and reaching your goals.