Many of our ROCKateers have lived in the Georgetown area their entire lives and come volunteer here to support their local community. If you spend some time talking to ROCKateers, you’ll also quickly realize there are also quite a few who have relocated here from around the state and country.
You’ll also hear a common theme in these stories — a desire to find community and make an impact. For August’s featured volunteer, Brenda Brantley, this was her story when she and her husband moved to Georgetown a few years ago from Dallas.
She had always been involved in philanthropic groups in the Dallas area and was looking for someplace where she could get involved locally when a friend suggested ROCK.
Brenda currently volunteers as a sidewalker and has clearly made an impact in her short time here. When we stopped to take her picture during class, her participant nearly bowled her over with excitement as he ran in for a hug. It’s no wonder Brenda has found her place here.
Why Brenda loves ROCK
ROCK was very welcoming and encouraged my participation. COVID delayed my training but as soon as training sessions opened up I was signed up. Everyone at ROCK has been super friendly and generally happy to see the volunteers. It was important to me to feel I was really adding value and played a needed role. I tell people when asked that ROCK is a great place with a need and opportunity for all ages. You will always have something to do and the joy you get from the bonds you make with the clients, employees and other volunteers are extra special.